Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Golfleads GmbH collects, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users (each, a „User“) of the Techleads Ticketing Solutions mobile application („App“). This privacy policy applies to the App and all products and services offered by Golfleads GmbH.

Information We Collect:

Account Information: The App allows event administrators to log in using predefined credentials, including email, password, and website URL. This information is provided by the administrators themselves and is used solely for authentication purposes.
Event Data: Once logged in, administrators can utilize the App to check-in and check-out participants of events using QR codes generated by our ticketing solution. Event data, including participant details and attendance status, may be processed within the App for internal event management purposes.

How We Use Your Information:

Authentication: The account information collected is used solely for authenticating administrators and granting access to the administrative features of the App.
Event Management: We use event data collected within the App to facilitate participant check-ins, track attendance, and provide event statistics to administrators.

Data Sharing:

Internal Use: We do not share any user information collected within the App with third parties. All data is used internally for the purpose of providing event management services to our clients.

Data Retention:

Event Data: Event data collected within the App may be retained for a limited period as required for internal record-keeping and reporting purposes. After this period, data may be securely deleted from our systems.

Data Security:

Security Measures: We take reasonable measures to protect the security of user information collected within the App, including encryption of data in transit and at rest, and access controls to limit unauthorized access to user data.

Changes to This Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website or within the App.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at

1. Durchschnittlicher Ticketpreis (€)

Wenn du mehrere Events durchführst oder verschiedene Ticketkategorien anbietest, kannst du hier einen durchschnittlichen Ticketpreis angeben. Am einfachsten nähert man sich diesem Wert, indem man den Ticketumsatz durch die Gesamtteilnehmerzahl eines Geschäftsjahres teilt. Bsp: 1.000.000 € / 25.000 = 40,00 €

2. Verkaufte Tickets (p.a.)

Gib an wie viele Tickets du in den nächsten Jahren pro Jahr verkaufen möchtest.

3. Aktuelle Servicepauschale (€)

I.d.R. wird die Servicepauschale vom Kunden bezahlt. Trage hier die durchschnittliche Servicegebühr je verkauften Ticket ein, die dein Kunde (und ggf. du) bezahlt. Solltest du nicht wissen wie hoch diese ist, kannst du dich gerne direkt an uns wenden. Wir helfen die bei der Ermittlung deiner Gebühren: